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Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Every Journey Has Its Own Story.

Inspired by my amusing experiences as a customer of Ojol (an Indonesian online motorbike transportation service), which I rely on for my everyday commute. One of the quirks I’ve noticed is the distinctive smell that lingers in the helmet. After removing it, my hair retains an unusual scent that takes some time to fade away.

I envisioned this peculiar helmet smell as an authentic essence, using Indonesian slang words reminiscent of popular shampoo brands. The concept includes a playful nod to Ojol’s branding, with the bottle shape and colors resembling their distinctive style. It’s a lighthearted take, perhaps bordering on parody or sarcasm, exploring the intersection of advertising and personal experiences.

I hope this concept resonates with you and brings a sense of enjoyment. It’s a playful exploration of everyday encounters and the unexpected narratives they hold.



Aroma Matahari


Aroma Lembab


Aroma Balsem

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