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Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Hello, folks! It’s been a while since we last connected, and I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to take a moment to catch up and share what’s been happening in my life lately.

Over the past few months, I’ve been immersed in various projects and responsibilities. From work commitments to personal endeavors, each day has brought new challenges and opportunities for growth. Despite the busyness, I’ve been making an effort to find moments of balance and joy.

One of the ways I’ve been nurturing my creative side is through doodling. Whenever I find a spare moment, I reach for my trusty notebook and let my pen and pencil dance across the pages. It’s a cathartic and expressive outlet that allows me to unwind and explore my imagination. I’ve created an assortment of doodles, ranging from intricate patterns to whimsical characters, each reflecting a different mood or inspiration.


Novian’s doodles

Novian’s doodles 

Novian’s doodles

Novian’s doodles 

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