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Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Hello, world!

I hope you’re doing well. Allow me to reintroduce you to a reproduction of my classic doodles, a collection of random characters that hold a special place in my heart. These artworks were created between 2008 and 2009, during my early years at university when I was filled with curiosity and eager to explore my creative flow.

I crafted these doodles freehand on paper, pouring my imagination onto the pages. Later, I scanned them into design software to add vibrant colors and refine the lines. Some of these artworks served as inspiration for t-shirt designs and posters, while others became personal mementos, weaving themselves into the fabric of my life.

This process of creating and refining allowed me to develop my signature style, establishing my artistic identity and leaving behind a unique trademark in each piece. It’s a journey that has shaped my works and defined my artistic expression.

I invite you to immerse yourself in these creations, to appreciate the whimsical characters and the stories they tell. Each stroke of the pen represents a moment of inspiration and creativity, captured forever on paper. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this visual collage.


Story of Life Novian Arif

Story of Life Novian Arif

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