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Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Me: Hey buddy, I haven’t seen you in ages, alright?

Friend: Hey, everything’s good, mate! What are you drawing?

Me: … My Birds, I guess?

Friend: Lol, I see your drawing, and it has a story that’s somewhat related.

Me: What’s the story?

Friend: I received an email about a memory from four years ago, and I was completely surprised and a bit down. It’s a story that has become dull but still lingers in my head. It’s a mix of sadness, high hopes, obsession with biologists and romance, a collection of failures, and life. It’s a bit frustrating.

Me: It reminds me of a character from a TV show or a thrilling novel. Lol.

Friend: Ease up, you fool!

Me: Take it easy, buddy. I’m not mocking you. Go on.

Friend: Well, just when I had fresh blood on my knee from trying to build “IT,” these birds resurfaced. It felt like I had a second chance, a golden opportunity with my knees. I was so excited about it. This is it, mate!

Me: Wow, first, tell me how did you get this “IT”?

Friend: Wow, it was a lot of fun, a jolly good time throughout the journey. The time, the people, the view, the vibes, the contents, and everything.

Me: It must have been amazing, right?

Friend: It was, mate.

Me: The best!

Friend: But… I can’t deny that in the end, it was almost within reach. Because I sensed it, it didn’t happen.

Me: No more mistakes, buddy!

Friend: Recently, the dream has turned into an enemy, for some reason. The scenario involving my birds and “IT” intertwines. As always, it impacts the story and the subjects. Anyhow, it’s not just a piece of cake of a dream; it was legitimate and a bit of a setback.

Me: You might need some space, buddy.

Friend: It’s not as easy as saying, “Get off my case” either. Honestly, it has a significant influence on me, my mind, and how I spend my time. On the outside, I try hard to focus on the gold, but on the inside, it’s just nonsense. I mean, it’s a mess, really.

Me: Meh… I know it’s not easy, but good luck with that gold, buddy. The birds and everything will be great.

Friend: … Yeah, I’ll fight with and for it. All good, mate.

Me: Kudos!

Friend: Cheers!

Me: Cheers!”


Adam and Eve illustrated by Novian Arif 2017

Illustrated by Novian Arif

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