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Inkling Chronicles

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Reflections on the Unknown

As I sit before the computer screen, its size uncertain, I endeavor to translate my thoughts into words. The vast expanse of ideas I wish to capture swirls within, accompanied by the ever-passing of time.

Filled with an insatiable desire, I yearn to share remarkable, updated, and captivating content through this digital medium. Yet, I find myself perplexed by the concept or theme of my writing. Should I determine the title first, or simply begin writing and let the title emerge later? Time urges me to write freely, not succumbing to the grasp of procrastination.

My mind lingers on the worthiness of my work, consumed by doubts. In contrast, time embodies certainty, clarity, and precision, unburdened by the weight of mistakes. It possesses an unequivocal character that I can only admire.

With every passing moment, time hums joyfully before me, rolling forward in its ceaseless journey. I am keenly aware of its advantages. Adjusting my sitting position, I play Alec Puro’s ethereal melody, “Sally’s Bedroom,” on my computer—a song discovered from the enchanting soundtrack of the film “The Art of Getting By.” Gradually, I find myself drifting into a deep slumber, the exact size of the monitor remaining unknown.

In this state of contemplation, I strive to share remarkable and captivating content while grappling with the quest for a clear concept. Time stands as my companion, urging me to write without hesitation. I wrestle with doubts, while admiring time’s unwavering clarity and certainty. As time continues its boundless journey, I embrace its advantages, even as I surrender to sleep, leaving unanswered questions in the presence of the enigmatic screen.


A calm workspace (IG: @clay.banks)

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